Sign Up Online

Dear Customer,
Thanks for your interest in joining our NEW customer loyalty scheme.

Please fill in your details below, making sure you fill in all the fields marked with an asterisk (*). We will send you your card in the post, which may take up to 7-14working days, and you will then be able to start using it straight away in our participating pubs, as well as check your account online.

If you have any queries in the meantime, please feel free to email us at

Great Western Brewery Marketing Team

Who are you?
Title *
First Name *
Surname *
Date Of Birth *
Where do you live?
House Number And Street *
District *
Town *
County *
Postcode *
What's your number and e-mail?
Phone *
EMail *
Confirm EMail *
Opt in for marketing
Other Information
What's your secret password?
Create Web Password *
Confirm Create Web Password *